27 Mar Episode 1 | It Ulver Is

For the inaugural episode of Radical Research, we delve into the mysterious, magnificent William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1998), the fourth album by Norwegian shape-shifters Ulver.
Note: The sound quality of RR1 isn’t exactly superb, especially Jeff’s mic in the intro. This was our first time in the lab. Our apologies. Our next two episodes are already recorded and edited; the improvements will be immediately noticeable. We also apologize for slaughtering the pronunciation of various surnames and nicknames in this episode. [‘It Ulver Is’ was recorded in September 2017]
Note: We talk about the infamous “car picture” in relation to its use in the packaging of …The Marriage…, yet those who were howling in 1997 may recall that the same picture began circulating upon the release of Ulver’s previous album, Nattens Madrigal. We’re aware that some people will tie the car picture into the Nattens era, and that’s fair enough. It’s subversive hijinks from any perspective.
Music cited, in order of appearance:
“A Memorable Fancy, Plates 6-7”
“A Memorable Fancy, Plate 15”
“Proverbs of Hell, Plates 7-10”
“A Song of Liberty, Plates 25-27”
“The Argument, Plate 2”
“Voice of the Devil, Plate 4”
This is Radical Research Podcast, Episode 1
Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by author Jeff Wagner and southern son Hunter Ginn (also drum design for tech-metal terrors Canvas Solaris). Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats provide the richest, most rewarding experiences and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. We believe music, truly great music, is worth more than we ever pay for it.
From King Crimson to Ved Buens Ende, Pulsar to Pan-Thy-Monium, A Perfect Circle to Perfect Beings, Radical Research dissects the work of rock and metal’s most daring artists and albums.