30 Oct Episode 17 – Take the Bröms Dose: The Works of Afflicted

Prolific for a brief few years, with curious beginnings and a mostly ignored ending, Afflicted’s supernova burned brightly at its peak. That peak, Prodigal Sun, is the essential cornerstone of Afflicted’s output and is explored in depth here. Psychedelic, transcendent left-field death metal lunacy from far beyond.
Note I: As we talk about Afflicted’s 7” era in this episode, we discuss an insane haul both of us made at Manifest Records in Charlotte, NC back in 2003. In the hauls, Hunter bought Primordial’s A Journey’s End, original vinyl pressing, for $4. It’s now going for around $90 on Discogs.com. Jeff’s best score was Mortem’s Slow Death 7”, bought for $3, currently going for around $85 on Discogs.
Music cited, in order of appearance:
“Consumed in Flames” (as Afflicted Convulsion) (Beyond Redemption demo, 1990)
“Viewing the Obscene” (Ingrained 7”, 1990)
“Prodigal Sun” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Harbouring the Soul” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“In Years to Come” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Astray” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Rising to the Sun” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Spirit Spectrum” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Consumed in Flames” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Ivory Tower” (Prodigal Sun, 1992)
“Dawn of Glory” (Dawn of Glory, 1995)
“I Am Vengeance” (Dawn of Glory, 1995)
RR18 preview: Grobschnitt, “Solar Music I“ (Solar Music – Live, 1978)
Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats help provide the richest, most rewarding immersions and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. Great music is worth more than we ever pay for it.
This is Radical Research Podcast episode 17