28 Jan Episode 49 – CAVEAT!!!!!! Nuclear Death 1986-2000

Many bands have professed to play death metal, but few have summoned the power of death itself, have forced the very bowels of earth to erupt. Nuclear Death, the lords of their own putrid hell-scape, emerged from the sun-scorched wastes of Phoenix, Arizona to ply some of the most personal, most unsettling metal ever to heave itself out of its own rotting grave. On our 49th episode, we survey the pastures of torture, incest, and psychedelic terror that define the band’s art. From the septic, Expressionist death of Bride of Insect, to the phantasmagoric slumbers of The Planet Cachexial and the disquieting, mutant sounds of Harmony Drinks of Me, we urge all who are strong of stomach and loin to join us as we descend into the aching hell that is the world of Nuclear Death.
Note I:
Thanks to Ted Tringo at Dark Symphonies/The Crypt for the demo era mp3s. Ted offers a ton of amazing items for the serious collector. Click here for a great deal on two mandatory recordings by Nuclear Death: http://darksymphonies.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=63
Note II:
12 Adjectives for Nuclear Death: Heinous. Vile. Fucked. Humiliating. Feral. Illegal. Diseased. Septic. Phantasmagoric. Dismissive. Harmful. Solar.
Note III:
Please consider donating if you listen to Radical Research often: https://www.paypal.me/rrpodcast
Music cited, in order of appearance:
“Necrobestiality” (Bride of Insect, 1990)
“Shrieking Terror” (Wake Me When I’m Dead, 1986 demo)
“The Third Antichrist” (Welcome to the Minds of the Morbid, 1987 demo)
“Vultures Feeding” (Vultures Feeding, 1988 demo)
“Fetal Lament: Homesick” (Bride of Insect, 1990)
“The Misshapen Horror” (Bride of Insect, 1990)
“Greenflies” (Carrion for Worm, 1992)
“Vampirism” (Carrion for Worm, 1992)
“Days of the Weak” (For Our Dead, 1992)
“The Church of Evil Minds of Splatter Day Saints” (For Our Dead, 1992)
“Bones of the Lip” (All Creatures Great and Eaten, 1992)
“Aunt Farm” (All Creatures Great and Eaten, 1992)
“Birthing of Slumberblood” (The Planet Cachexial, 1996)
“Into Zyrèlyà,” (The Planet Cachexial, 1996)
“Electric Spaceboy,” (Harmony Drinks of Me, 2000)
“Sunless,” (Harmony Drinks of Me, 2000)
“The Baths” (Harmony Drinks of Me, 2000)
episode 50 preview: Celtic Frost, “Sorrows of the Moon“ (Into the Pandemonium, 1987)
Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats help provide the richest, most rewarding immersions and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. Great music is worth more than we ever pay for it.
This is Radical Research Podcast episode 49.