Episode 126 – None More North! Thule 1985-2005 (with Agalloch’s John Haughm)

Episode 126 – None More North! Thule 1985-2005 (with Agalloch’s John Haughm)

Radical Research Podcast
Radical Research Podcast
Episode 126 - None More North! Thule 1985-2005 (with Agalloch's John Haughm)

For our 126th episode, Radical Research travels to the farthest reaches of our favorite country and we do so with a rare companion, Agalloch lynchpin, John Haughm. In this episode, we dive into the discography of Thule, a progressive rock band that defies the rules of progressive rock. Dark, nocturnal, frozen, magical – Thule’s seaborne prog offers the listener glimpses into forbidden worlds. We hope that this episode will seduce you into taking the risk that is well worth the reward.

Note I:

We were stoked as hell to have Agalloch’s John Haughm with us for this episode. As such, we go on even more tangents than when we get up to that nonsense when left alone. So, tangents on Emperor, on Genesis, on ZZ Top, and on much more as we trawl the murky, exotic waters of Thule.

Note II:

The Radical Research Patreon page is now set up and ready for your patronage. We are offering tiered subscription levels for those who want a set-it-and-forget-it donation option. As ever, if you choose to support us, we are humbled and grateful! patreon.com/RadicalResearchPodcast

Note III:

All past Radical Research episodes can be found here, where you can also find Jeff’s Peter Steele and Fates Warning books, Hunter’s Deserts of Hex Volume 2…and more to come soon! Radicalresearch.org

Music cited in order of appearance:

“Supernova” (Graks, 1997)

“Krigens Ansikt” (as Ultima Thule, I Lovens Navn, 1985 demo)

“Over De Iskledte Fjell” (Ultima Thule, 1987)

“Kolonisasjon” (Ultima Thule, 1987)

“Håp” (Natt, 1990)

“Langfærd” (Natt, 1990)

“Den Store Ordan” (Frostbrent, 1993)

“Aeventyr” (Frostbrent, 1993)

“Daga” (Graks, 1997) into Minus the Bear, “Broken China” (Lost Loves, 2014)

“Soldansen” (Graks, 1997)

“Hjaerteslag” (Graks,1997)

“Liquid” (Liquid [Rock and Roll Dream], 2005

“Aurora B” (Liquid [Rock and Roll Dream], 2005)
“Reason” (Liquid [Rock and Roll Dream], 2005)

Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats help provide the richest, most rewarding immersions and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener.