Episode 122: Intrigue CD 4 – The Fourth Time We Opened the Capsule

Episode 122: Intrigue CD 4 – The Fourth Time We Opened the Capsule

Radical Research Podcast
Radical Research Podcast
Episode 122: Intrigue CD 4 - The Fourth Time We Opened the Capsule

This episode brings to a close our periodic investigations of the Steven Wilson-curated ‘Intrigue’ compilation. Covering progressive sounds in UK alternative/post-punk music from 1979-89, ‘Intrigue’ nails its intention, proving that, while traditional prog rock may have waned in the ’80s, that spirit of adventure and invention remained alive through the work of dozens and dozens of UK music-makers in this time period. This episode focuses on Kate Bush, Dif Juz, Cardiacs, Dead Can Dance, SLAB!, Momus, No-man and a host of others.

Note I:

If you don’t want to hear about our awesome Patreon supporters and how YOU TOO can support us, and if you don’t want to hear about Deserts of Hex #2, which YOU ALSO would love to read…then skip to the 9:07 mark of this show where we finally start talking about the subject at hand: Intrigue compilation, CD 4. Thank you.

Note II:

The Radical Research Patreon page is now set up and ready for your patronage. We are offering tiered subscription levels for those who want a set-it-and-forget-it donation option. As ever, if you choose to support us, we are humbled and grateful! patreon.com/RadicalResearchPodcast

Note III:

All past Radical Research episodes can be found here, where you can also find Jeff’s Peter Steele and Fates Warning books…and more to come soon! Radicalresearch.org

Music cited in order of appearance:

­­­intro: Talk Talk, “Living in Another World” (The Colour of Spring, 1986)

[all snippets are taken directly from the Intrigue compilation; the following indicates where the songs originally appeared]
Kate Bush, “Waking the Witch” (Hounds of Love, 1985)

This Mortal Coil, “Ivy and Neet” (Filigree & Shadow, 1986)

Perennial Divide, “Beehead” (Beehead 7”, 1987)

The Sisters of Mercy, “This Corrosion” (Floodland, 1987)
O Yuki Conjugate, “Ascension” (Into Dark Water, 1987)

Dif Juz, “No Motion” (Lonely is An Eyesore, 4AD compilation, 1987)

SLAB!, “Gutter Busting” (Descension, 1987)

Momus, “Murderers, the Hope of Women” (Murderers, the Hope of Women, 1987)

Dead Can Dance, “The Host of Seraphim” (The Serpent’s Egg, 1988)
Cardiacs, “R.E.S.” (A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window, 1988)
The The, “Good Morning Beautiful” (Mind Bomb, 1989)

The Shamen, “Omega Amigo” (Omega Amigo single, 1989)

No-Man, “Night Sky, Sweet Earth” (Speak, 1999 re-recording of 1989 version, originally from The Girl from Missouri EP)

Kitchens of Distinction, “The 3rd Time We Opened the Capsule” (12” single, 1989)

Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats help provide the richest, most rewarding immersions and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. Great music is worth more than we ever pay for it.