Episode 2 | The Unorthodox Khaos of Dan Swanö

Episode 2 | The Unorthodox Khaos of Dan Swanö

Radical Research Podcast
Radical Research Podcast
Episode 2 | The Unorthodox Khaos of Dan Swanö

The second episode of Radical Research dives into the strange world of Sweden’s Dan Swanö. From his neo-prog roots in Unicorn to the way-left-of-center Karaboudjan, and bedrocks Edge of Sanity and Pan-Thy-Monium, we are usually in awe. Swanö has also been a crucial cog in the Katatonia and Opeth machines. He has approximately 24 other bands to his credit, and about 4 bazillion production/engineering/mixing/mastering credits. What have YOU done lately?

Note: The proper Swedish pronunciation of Dan Swanö goes a little something like: Don Swan’-ya. Don’t worry about it. We prefer to say it just like every other American Swanö fan does. But hey, you Scandinavians, we know.

Note II: We also know Pan-Thy-Monium vocalist Derelict (Roberth Karlsson) went on to membership in Scar Symmetry, but we here at Radical Research choose to ignore that fact.

Music cited, in order of appearance:
Edge of Sanity – “Twilight” (Unorthodox, 1994)

Pan-Thy-Monium – “The Battle of Geeheeb” (Khaooohs and Kon-fus-ion, 1996)

Pan-Thy-Monium – “Khaoohs I” (Khaooohs, 1993)

Karaboudjan – “Plan 714 Till Sydney“ (2001) (recorded 1996-97)

Pan-Thy-Monium – “Behrial” (Khaooohs and Kon-fus-ion, 1996)

This is Radical Research Podcast, Episode 2

Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by author and skylifter, Jeff Wagner, and the highly evolved brain of Hunter Ginn, also percussive summoning for tech-metal terrors Canvas Solaris. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats provide the richest, most rewarding experiences and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. We believe music, truly great music, is worth more than we ever pay for it.

From Gentle Giant to Arcturus, Gorguts to Nomeansno, Chroma Key to Chrome, Radical Research dissects the work of rock and metal’s most daring artists and albums.

semi-random bad-ass artrock clip for your ingestion: The Tubes “Space Baby” 1975 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuNJ7xPPzsU